09 May 2010

Hein...Un volcan éclaté en Islande !

Written on 15 April 2010:

What is big, covered in ice, has a name that is hard to pronounce and stops all plane travel leaving people stranded all over Europe?

Oh yea the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland.

If Iceland is known for anything it is that time its volcano erupted interrupting everyone’s travel plans in Europe. The weekend it decided to erupt was the weekend I was supposed to go to Amsterdam. Unluckily and luckily for me my flights got canceled and I could not go. This was disappointing because I was looking forward to my trip, but at the same time I ended up having a lovely weekend in Cannes and did not end up getting stuck anywhere...like some people I know. For example my roommate Steph’s friend was visiting Cannes from Rome. To everyone’s surprise the volcano was affecting air travel as far south as Cannes and Rome preventing her from getting back. Now many would just suggest she take a train back to Rome, it’s long but at least she will get back. That would have be a good idea, had the trains in France not been on strike! Yes of course the trains had to be on strike and given France’s central location in Western Europe this prevented a lot of people from using alternative methods to getting home. Fortunately, for Steph’s friend she had a place to stay and the use of our advisor’s to help her get back, unlike a group of girls from our program who were stranded in Barcelona, hopping from one hostel to the other. So needless to say despite the disappointment of missing my trip and the inconvenience of trying to get a refund from AirFrance, I am happy to have been stuck in Cannes.

Cool Pictures of the Volcano! (Thank G-mom for the link)

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